• Evaluating expression of long non-coding RNAs SNHG7 and CRNDE-h in exosomes derived from serum and tissue samples of colorectal carcinoma
  • maryam shariatmadar tehrani,1,* sadegh baba shah,2
    1. Tarbiat modares University
    2. Tarbiat modares University

  • Introduction: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in the world. This cancer is prevalent in men more than women and unfortunately its age has fallen. Metastasis is one of the important reasons why people with colorectal cancer do not live. Extensive studies have been conducted on non-coding RNAs in different cancers. The RNAs that are transcript are not translated.
  • Methods: also examined two long non-coding RNAS called SNHG7 and CRNDE-h in this cancer. The expression of these two in tumoral and normal colon and rectal tissues in patients with colorectal cancer. Also, this comparison was carried out on serum levels of patients with colorectal cancer and normal individuals.
  • Results: Exosomes are vesicles that are secreted from different cells into the target cell and create a positive or negative change in that cell. These vesicles have proteins and types of RNA, which can sometimes be a good biomarker for cancer detection.The results showed that the expression of SNHG7 and CRNDE-H increased in colorectal cancer, which suggests that they are oncogene.
  • Conclusion: According to the data we can introduce these two long-term RNA non-coding code as a suitable biomarker for colorectal cancer.
  • Keywords: colorectal cancer, long noncoding RNA, exosome , biomarker