• Benefits of cow's milk and a good solution for treating infants with CMA
  • Adel Salehian,1,* Vahid Monfared ,2 Mouod Kermanshahi nezhad,3 Elmira Salimi,4
    1. Student Research Committee
    2. Student Research Committee
    3. Student Research Committee
    4. Student Research Committee

  • Introduction: Among infants, breast milk is the most important food source But in some cases, infants are have to use a milk other than breast milk. Since cow's milk is the most available milk substitute , so in many cases cow's milk replaces breast milk, but some infants are have Cow Milk Allergy (CMA), which can be caused by IgE and IgG4 allergy, or T lymphocytes is related to casein, lactoglobulin, immunoglobulin, and other substances in milk.
  • Methods: In this study, we looked at articles from 2013 to 2019 that were published on PubMed, Google scholar, Web of science using keywords like CMA and allergies to cow's milk, infant allergies, cow’s milk and breast milk to find the article were used.
  • Results: According to the articles used in the present study, cow's milk has many advantages but also has some disadvantages because it causes allergies in most babies and it can be harmful to diseases such as EOE and it can cause anaphylaxis. One of the main solutions can be Oral immuno therapy (OIT) as an alternative to cow’s milk, such as camel's milk, due to the different protein structure compared with cow's milk, the use of baked cow's milk or the use of hydrolyzed milk (Its proteins are completely or incompletely hydrolyzed) and probiotic milk (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) is accompanied by hydrolyzed casein (EHF + LGG). There are other solutions such as non-allergenic diets such as FFED diets, the growth of resistant bacteria to Cma in the intestines of infected children, and the mother's use of dietary supplements to increase breast milk salts as a good alternative to cow's milk such as supplements Calcium.
  • Conclusion: The best and safest way to treat this allergy is to use baked milk or other milk, such as camel's milk or hydrolyzed milk, because the solution is safer, but other ways, such as different diets, are not the good solution because we have prohibition to use of cow's milk and its products. In addition, as the infant gets older, this allergy will decrease, and at older ages, the components of cow's milk will be tolerable for different people.
  • Keywords: CMA, Allergies to cow's milk, Infants allergys, Cow's milk