1. Khomein University of Medical Sciences. 2. Khomein University of Medical Sciences. 3. Khomein University of Medical Sciences. 4. Khomein University of Medical Sciences.
Obesity and overweight is a health problem in many countries. it is a risk factor for many chronic diseases. many medical, surgical and traditional methods are routinely used
to treat the obesity but they are not fully successful or are acompained with side-effects. due to the lack of sufficient human studies on the effect of cumine on wight loss, this study aimed to investigate the effect of cumin on weigh loss in a sample human subjects.
A triple-blind randomized placebo clinical trial was conducted on 200 obese participants with overweight or abdominal obesity reffered to five healthcare center in khomein city. subjects were selected and then, were randomly allocated in two groups to receive either the cumin succus (n=100), or a placebo (n=100). data collection instruments consisted of a demographic questionnaire and a checklist for recording anthropometric measures. the participants in the one intervention group received a 15 ml bottle of cumin succus and were trained to eat 15 drops of the liquid with some water three times a day and continue the treatment for six months. anthropometric measures were assessed before the intervention and after six months. data were analyzed using spss software
The mean weight of the subjects in the group received cumin succus was 89.34±7.52 kg which decreased to 82.33±7.43 at the end of the study (p<0.002). also, the mean weight of the subjects in the group received placebo was 87.16±8.42 which decreased to 85.82±8.39 (p<0.002). the mean weight loss in the group received cumin succus was 7.07±3.25 kg and in the group received placebo was 1.34±0.61 (p<0.001).
Using of cumin was effective on wight loss of overwight subjects. then, it may be used safly and effectively along with the medical treatments of obesity and overweight or as an alternative for the expensive and problematic treatments of obesity.
Obesity, cuminum cyminum, herbal medicine, weight loss