• A review on the production and degradation of tissue engineering for natural scaffold preparation and leading challenges in regenerative medicine
  • Mina Yamani,1,* Amir Ali Orang Zaman,2
    1. Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch

  • Introduction: In the past few years, one of the challenges that medical sciences have been facing is to find the best therapeutic methods to repair the damaged tissues and chronic wounds. Unfortunately, due to the small number of tissue donors and its possible viral infections, we have attempted to design tissues with various cellulose and scaffolds, whether natural or synthetic. This has led to the emergence of a new concept in science called tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The goal of tissue engineering is to mimic natural extracellular structure to solve the limitations of the clinical and medical treatments that are involved in the treatment of trauma and tissue damage. Tissue production is a new field of study in which the principles of Tissue engineering and biology are used to repair damaged living tissue, or improve the development of biological implant. Recently, the usage of decellularized tissue as a natural scaffold has beginning to attract attention in tissue engineering. The purpose of this study was to identify and compare three main pillars of tissue engineering, which are Scaffolding, cellulose and growth factors and examine their leading problems, such as rejecting the organ transplants, deficient access to nutrition and oxygen, ablation, inability to endure fixation with suture. Scientists have shown much interest to an ideal scaffold as a therapy for chronic wounds, due to their inherent ability to differentiate into multiple lineages and promote regeneration. The particular properties that they should contain are interconnected pores, with appropriate porosity for the release of nutrients into the cell, and allowing the purification of waste material resulting from interactions and stability of extracellular matrix.
  • Methods: A survey of the available published peer-reviewed literature was conducted through a bibliographic study using the Thompson Reuters database ISI Web of Science, Google Scholar, and NCBI PubMed. The abstracts of all candidate articles were read to identify the results of recent Investigations in vitro and in vivo studies in both animal models and human clinical. These trials were conducted with different candidates of scaffold materials made by synthetic and natural inorganic ceramic. Of the candidate publications, 251 were retained for further analysis.
  • Results: Today in tissue engineering, scaffolds are made as a substrate for stem cells. In tissue engineering, cellular scaffolds are improving the identification of three-dimensional, increasing the cells survival and inducing early mechanical adhesion. In summary, they help with cell growth and tissue formation and structure to produce a normal and complete tissue. The results of current studies suggest that graphene and its derivatives, Such as graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide, have improved the mechanical strength of polymeric Scaffold and inhibiting the limitations of producing scaffold. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine promise improved therapies for an organ transplant, healing chronic wounds and increasing supportive treatment. Currently available treatments using scaffold are insufficient. Firstly, the body that the tissue had to be selected from is one of the major constituents of the elasticity. Secondly, the principle methods behind tissue engineering involve growing the relevant cells in vitro into the required three-dimensional (3D) organ or tissue. However, the cells may not grow in favored 3D orientations and as a result; they will not be able to define the anatomical shape of the tissue.
  • Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the prepared biodegradable scaffold provided a suitable environment for the seeding, growth, and proliferation of different mesenchymal stem cells. To prepare a natural scaffold elastomer, we must be certain about the body tissue was selected from, one of which was an elastic bundle the main constituents of it. Besides, the weaving of choice it should be desired to produce scaffolds into appropriate dimensions. Also, we found out that the promotion of intracellular donation was successful in the result that the tubules phenotype naturally update themselves. In conclusion, we hope in the future we may be able to use isolate patient’s cells by using biopsy, expanding the cell number in the culture, seeding cells onto a three-dimensional scaffold and implanting to the same patient with intimate collaboration among different fields.
  • Keywords: Tissue Engineering, scaffold, regenerative medicine, Mesenchymal Stem Cells