• The relation between thymosins and TLRs in MS
  • Pinar Safari,1,* Siamak Sandoghchian,2
    1. Faculty of Paramedicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
    2. Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

  • Introduction: Thymosins are soluble hormone-like peptides produced by the thymus gland.They can mediate both immune and non-immune physiological processes.A thymus gland with a normal function is necessary for the development of cell-mediated immunity.Nowadays thymosins have gained interest as therapeutics in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. TLRs are the first pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) found in mammals, which shape both innate and adaptive immunity. TLR signaling also participates in inflammatory and immune responses that are driven by self, allo and xeno antigens.MS is an autoimmune disease in which central nervous system (CNS) lesions result from perivascular immune cell infiltration associated with damage to myelin, oligodendrocytes and neurons. CNS autoimmunity is dominated by the inflammatory cytokines such as IL_17 and IFN_γ.
  • Methods: The total investigation in this review article included 48 articles exhibited in databases including Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar. (P value <0.005)
  • Results: Studies among the relation between TLRs and thymosins show that TLR agonists such as PGN or LPS can cause depletions in cellular thymosin β_4 in auto immune diseases. In recent years thymosins have gained interest as therapeutics in inflammatory and auto immune diseases and TLRs play an important role in modulating cytokine and chemokine secretion in response to PAMPs and DAMPs.
  • Conclusion: Based on data gathered, thymosin α_1 and thymosin β_4 act as anti-inflammatory molecules and as inducers of myelin repair and neuronal protection, they can be used as therapeutic application in MS. As proved, TLRS are also potential targets for therapeutic interactions in autoimmune diseases which can co-operate with thymosins in MS treatment.
  • Keywords: Thymosin, toll-like receptors, MS, inflammatory, autoimmune