• Correlation between virulence and durability in sit-and-wait pathogens
  • Sina Sarmast,1,*
    1. Karaj Islamic Azad University

  • Introduction: The sit and wait hypothesis has led a group of scientists to a theoretical study about the possible correlation between durability and virulence In the review of Liang Wang ,Zhanzhong Liu , Shiyun Dai , Jiawei Yan and Michael j. wise (03 November 2017 ) which the hypothesis mentioned above has been supported, bacteria has been classified in to four groups according to the epidemiological data and gain and loss of virulence and durability phenotype. which are sit-and-wait pathogens (+,+),vector-borne pathogens(+,-), host-associated(-,-) and also free-living bacteria (L.Wang,2017). Those bacteria that are termed sit and wait pathogens have high durability in external environments and due to their tendency to evolve toward high virulence phenotype, they will not have high cost of their host immobility(Ewald,1987), unlike vector-borne pathogens.
  • Methods: Collection of epidemiological data and proteomes of bacteria, construction of hidden markov model related to Energy Storage Mechanisms and Abiotic stress resistance Statistical analysis.
  • Results: Result are mentioned in statistical tables and figures due to the previously defined bacteria groups
  • Conclusion: L.Wang investigation has expand our knowledge about the sit and wait hypothesis but the limited sample volume .We urge that further efforts should consider exploring the topic with an increased sample size through similar methods. In addition, this study also provides protein targets for experimentally investigating the hypothesis, such as proteins related with ESMs and also ASR.(L.WANG, 2017) Epidemiological data were collected to investigate the relationship between durability and virulence through representative bacterial pathogens.
  • Keywords: Sit-and-wait hyphothesis, virulence-transmission, durability-virulence