Surgical site infections occur when pathogenic organisms proliferate in surgical wounds and prevent wound healing. these infections cause separation of the wound edges and increase the risk of abscess in deeper wound tissues. sutures can be a source of surgical wound contamination due to bacterial adherence and colonization. antibacterial sutures are developed with the aim to reduce the risk of surgical site infections by minimizing the risk of colonization of the suture by bacteria commonly associated with such infections. the aim of this study was to present comprehensive information about antimicrobial sutures structure, their performance in fast wound healing, and conventional antimicrobial agents have been used in their compositions.
Polymer sutures with natural or synthetic textile materials in monofilament, multifilament, twisted, and braided form, which are widely used in wound closure, are discussed in this study. the sutures based on origin, absorbability, and structures were classified and described. suture properties and fabrication techniques have been studied. the different antimicrobial agents were introduced and the different fabrication methods for adding antimicrobial agents in the structure of sutures were reviewed.
The functionality and efficacy of antimicrobial sutures that manufactured via electrospinning was stated and compared with other fabrication methods. the effect of suture structure, absorbability and composition of antimicrobial sutures on surgical site infection was discussed to present for controlling the antimicrobial agents release. in addition, the effect of antibiotics and other bioactive molecules were studied and compared with antibacterial agents in fast wound healing.
The risk of surgical site infection is a constant challenge in wound closure with surgical sutures. the using of antibiotics or other therapeutic agents in the suture structure has become an attractive and interesting research in wound healing. wet electrospinning provides a suitable method for the development of antimicrobial sutures for surgical site infection and are capable of sustained antimicrobial agent release; however, tensile strength must be improved prior to clinical use. in addition, development and design of antimicrobial peptides are very much needed for medical treatment of infection/ disease caused by resistant microorganisms in surgical site infections.