• The effect of histatin one and honey on wound healing
  • Aref Farhadloei,1,*
    1. Allameh Helly two school

  • Introduction: Wound healing is a complex multifactorial process that can be thought of as sequential steps including homeostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.It has long been known that oral mucosal wounds heal more quickly and effectively than skin wounds, and several factors contribute to these differences. Wound infection and inflammation have always been one of the important issues. Oral wounds heal faster and with less scar formation than skin wounds. One of the key factors involved is saliva, which heals wounds in different ways. Saliva contains significant amounts of tissue factor that dramatically accelerates blood clotting.Histatins are a type of cationic peptide from protein. Histatin one has thirty-seven amino acids. These proteins are present in the saliva of all mammals. Histatins are usually known as factors involved in mineral homeostasis.Histatins are small molecular weight proteins that are produced by human salivary glands and show antifungal and antibacterial activities, and human histatin has both antimicrobial and wound healing properties. In this family of proteins, histatin one and histatin three are full-length products.On the other hand, honey is a sweet liquid, a supersaturated solution of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose. Honey contains many other components such as vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, proteins and hydrogen peroxides and other unknown components. Honey has a high inhibitory level against Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the resistant hospital pathogens. Also, honey has an effect on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria.According to some researchers, due to the high amount of glucose, honey produces hydrogen peroxide and as a result destroys itHigh concentration of sugar, hydrogen peroxide and low pH are known antibacterial factors in honey, and recently methylglyoxal and antimicrobial peptide bee defensin-one have been identified as important antibacterial compounds in honey. The antibacterial activity of the tested honeys can be largely attributed to the formation of hydrogen peroxide and in some cases to unknown protein compounds. Therefore, according to this information, these two substances can act as complements and play an effective role in healing and repairing wounds and burns
  • Methods: Research method using zinc and basic solvent to purify seventy% of histatin and dissolve it in Manuka honey at Twenty-five degrees. Due to the lack of facilities in the area, two almost identical scratches were made on the left legs of two brothers' cats using a scalper, and on one of them, the desired compound was applied to their wound, and this was done three times at a distance. This was repeated for eight hours. The superficial wound of the other cat was also bandaged so that the infection would not cause errors in the test.
  • Results: The results showed that the use of histatin combination with Manuka honey was effective on the superficial wounds of cats and caused the wounds to heal. Honey was combined with histatin, which was applied on the body surface of one of the male cats whose body surface was scratched by a scalper, and this mixture was applied to their wound for three times at an interval of eight hours. It was repeated after that the desired information of the treatments that received the combination of histatin one and honey with the control group that did not apply any substance to their body wounds (cat. two), the results showed that the combination of histatin and manuka honey caused the healing of superficial wounds.
  • Conclusion: Histatin 1 is a human salivary protein encoded by the HIS1 gene. This protein is the main cause of early healing of wounds in the mouth compared to others, as well as licking of wounds by some animals. This thirty-eight amino acid protein causes angiogenesis and disinfects the wound site. This protein can be separated and purified by a special method of chromatography. Also, honey is an organic substance made by bees and has a higher antibacterial effect than histatin 1. Honey has a high inhibitory level against Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the resistant hospital pathogens. Also, honey has an effect on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria.According to this information, these two substances can act in a complementary way and play an effective role in healing and repairing wounds as well as burns. After protein purification, it can be dissolved in honey and used as an effective medicine with less side effects than other products of this branch.
  • Keywords: Histatin 1 - Honey - Staphylococcus aureus - Wound healing