• Hereditary anemia or thalassemia minor
  • Mahya Badbarouni,1,*
    1. student of islsmic azad university of Dezful

  • Introduction: Some people have a low level of hemoglobin in their blood, which is called anemia. There are various conditions, the most common of which occur when there is not enough hemoglobin because they do not get enough iron from food. Major is also a different type of deficiency. It is bloody. This is also due to not having enough hemoglobin, but it has nothing to do with iron intake from food. This is a hereditary blood disorder. Thalassemia is one of the types of blood disorders that occurs due to the decrease of a specific protein in the blood, namely hemoglobin. This protein helps to move oxygen in the body through its activity. If the amount of this important component in the blood reserve of our body decreases, the blood supply will be disturbed and as a result, symptoms such as lethargy, fatigue and paleness will appear. Its genes are always passed on from parents to children. But fortunately, most of the time this disorder is diagnosed during marriage and the birth of babies with this condition will be prevented. If a person is suffering from this disease, he will always have hemoglobins without one of the subunits, which is usually the beta subunit. As a result of this, the red blood cells will be smaller than normal and of course it should be said that this feature is recorded in the genetic code of the person. Therefore, if parents or one of them have this defective gene in their DNA, their child will suffer from anemia. It is only possible that there is a need to take folic acid supplements. But one important point is important in this disease and it will be related to the children of these people. These people should be careful not to marry someone who has this disorder like themselves. Because their child will suffer from the severe type of this anemia and will face dangerous complications and problems unlike the mild type. Of course, it should be said that in severe cases of minor anemia, symptoms such as facial bone deformity, reduced growth, abdominal swelling, depression and anxiety, and dark urine color were observed. Proper nutrition for people: First of all, we should know that a small amount of iron in food is always absorbed in the body of healthy people. But this is not the case in people with thalassemia! In fact, it should be said that the absorption of iron in the body of these patients is higher. Therefore, it is better to adjust the diet of these people in such a way that they get less iron from their diet. Calcium, vitamin D and folic acid prevent the absorption of iron in the body of these people. There are 2 types of iron in general, iron with iron and iron without iron. Non-dairy foods such as vegetables, yolks, eggs, beans, etc. are rich in iron, but some of this type of material is less. A person suffering from this type of anemia does not need to follow a basic and special diet unless prescribed by a doctor. Instead of vitamin C juices, use caffeinated substances due to less absorption of iron and avoid vitamin A supplements and consume them after a meal rich in iron. Depending on the progress of the thalassemia disease, the type of treatment will also be different. For example, mild thalassemia, which is the most common type of thalassemia, will not need treatment. On the other hand, moderate thalassemia can be treated with blood transfusion But what requires a treatment process and couples are afraid of getting it is severe thalassemia. This type of thalassemia can be treated with the following treatments: Blood injection Iron chelate treatment bone marrow transplant surgery
  • Methods: by study and reviwe another articles
  • Results: It is a hereditary disease that often does not need treatment. In more severe cases, treatment is considered according to the doctor's order, and in rare cases, the symptoms show the need to have a diet.
  • Conclusion: Thalassemia is a Greek word derived from the two words thalasa meaning sea and blood meaning blood. It is not a single disease but includes a heterogeneous group of hereditary anemias. which is a disorder in the hemoglobin chain. It is manifested in two ways: minor and major, which are the most common genetic disorders and do not require special treatment, and are often shown as mild anemia in blood tests.
  • Keywords: anemia, genetic, hereditary, thalassemia, minor