Preventing bacterial infections

Daniyal Afrazeh,1,* Zahra mobin,2

1. Young Researchers and Elite Club, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
2. Young Researchers and Elite Club, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran



Hospital infections are referred to as infections that occur during the hospitalization period. these hospital infections are a threat to the spread of infection in the society. medical and therapeutic interventions and patient characteristics are among the most common causes of these infections. these infections can have a different origin, including the bacterial, viral, fungal origin, which we are going to refer to the bacterial origin here.


Data collection has been reviewed through the use of new scientific sites and articles.


The most common bacteria which are the cause of hospital infections is the opportunistic enterobacteriaceae, especially e. coli that live in human intestines, and they can infect if they are transferred to the sterile areas of the body. staphylococcus aureus at the skin surface of 20% of adults can cause surgical wound infections or a lung infection under proper conditions. pseudomonas aeruginosa usually lives in the body of 5% of adults. it can be easily replicated in water and in wet environments like (distilled water or artificial inhaler tubes) and when water or contaminated equipment is used it can cause severe and fatal infections in people with immune deficiency. particularly, it is easily transmitted among patients in the burn section and causes many deaths in this section.


To prevent and control of hospital infections, we can mention the following: on time and quick use of medical interventions, washing hands, continuous monitoring of hospitals, controlled use of antibiotics and using of a nurse for every patient.


Hospital infection, prevention, bacteria