1. Islamic Azad University 2. Islamic Azad University 3. Islamic Azad University 4. Islamic Azad University
Irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) is a disorder in the intestinal normal function. ibs is the most commonly reported disorder of the intestinal function. ibs occurs at all ages but most reports indicate that adults are involved. almost one in five people in the world are involved and it is more common in women.
clinical symptoms)
its first symptoms are most commonly seen in adults. symptoms can be structurally created but in the form of digestive diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease. symptoms may appear and disappear after a while. the severity of the symptoms varies from mild to severe. common symptoms include abdominal pain-excessive bloating-changes in bowel habits and changes in bowel movement which do not have any cause. it is possible to obtain a definitive diagnosis by taking a patient health biography and also the rome criteria.
ibs diagnosis)
after the researchers efforts the diagnostic criteria of rome criteria for the definitive diagnosis of ibs has been introduced. pain or abdominal discomfort for at least three days per month which lasts for three months and also before the diagnosis six months from the onset of pain. abdominal pain should be accompanied by at least two following symptoms:
1- improve pain by the bowel movement
2- start symptoms with a change in bowel movement
3-start symptoms with change in stool form
according to the rome criteria abdominal pain or discomfort is the clinical condition of the ibs diagnosis. the pain may be mild or severe. generally the symptoms of the ibs should be improved by stool expelling or start with changes in the stool form and pattern. the most common symptom of the ibs is changing in bowel habit which can include diarrhea and constipation. the pattern of ibs is divided into three groups: predominant diarrhea ibs (ibs-d)-predominant constipation ibs (ibs-c) and mixed ibs (ibs-m).
intestinal microbial flora:
the human gastrointestinal tract contains a large number of beneficial bacteria called microbial flora which imbalances due to various factors such as age-stress-diet-drugs and various disease and thus the number of pathogenic bacteria increases. consequently they cause a variety of digestive disorders-excessive immune system stimulation and so on.
probiotics-live microorganisms:
probiotics are beneficial gastrointestinal bacteria that help prevent and treat gastrointestinal diseases. probiotic bacteria are divided into two groups of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. clinical studies have proven to be effective in the treatment of ibs.
treatment of ibs with probiotics and their mechanism of action:
probiotics especially lactic acid bacteria are one of the best options for treating ibs. in fact lactic acid bacteria aggravate the pathogen life condition by converting glucose to lactic acid and creating an acidic environment. one of the best treatments is the use of lactocare (synbiotic) one of the best products of the lactic acid group which protects the gastrointestinal system by helping to restore the natural flora of the digestive system and also boosts the immune system. it is recommended that one or two 500mg capsules be taken daily after a meal as prescribed by the doctor. lactocare was also registered as the (gras) agent by fda.
Various experiments were carried out to prove the effect of probiotics in treating the disease from different directions. for example in the first experiment in a 4-week study the effect of lactobacillus plantarum and placebo was compared in 60 patients of ibs. the second experiment known as (cork experiment) was conducted in ireland that measured the effect of bifidobacterium on inflammation.
According to the results of the tests it can be seen that in the first experiment the group treated with lactobacillus plantarum significantly decreased vomiting. in the cork experiment it was also found that probiotics could alter inflammatory cytokines. other studies also found that probiotics have no side effects and are usable for all ages. also a review study found that taking one to six months of probiotics was effective in reducing ibs symptoms.
We conclude that ibs is a highly prevalent complicated disease. the role of microbial flora has also been proven. the goal of treatment is to restore the microbial flora to normal. however more research is needed for ibs.