Iman Salahshourifar
Department of Biology, College of Basic Science, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IrTehran, Iran
Abstracts, Iman Salahshourifar [Author]
Development and validation of Heminested RT-PCR and qRT-PCR techniques for detection of rabies virus genomes for the first time in Iran
Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesRabies virus (RV) is one of the most dangerous zoonotic disease and major public health problem in most of the world, es...Read more
The association study of rs13381800 in promoter flanking site of TCF4 gene and schizophrenia among Iranian schizophrenic patients
Medical GeneticsSchizophrenia is an acute mental disorder and many molecular studies are done to find variation in genes causing schizop...Read more