Circulating mir 17 and mir 25 as diagnostic biomarkers for monitoring breast cancer patients
Somayye Noruzi,
1 Amirreza hesari,
2 Soheila moeini,
3 Faezeh ghasemi,
4 Reza salarinia,
5,* Seyede atefe hosseini,
1. MSc student of Medical Biotechnology, School of Medicine, Northern Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, Northern K
2. Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
3. Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
4. Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
5. Department of Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences, School of Medicine, North Khorasan University of Medical Sci
6. MSc student of Medical Biotechnology, School of Medicine, Northern Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, Northern K
Breast cancer is known as a complex disease which could be related with high mortality among women worldwide. identification of breast cancer patients in early stages could contribute to better treatment of these patients. micrornas (mirnas) have been emerged as short non-coding rnas which could be involved in various physiological events. it has been showed that deregulation of these molecules are related with initiation and progression of various diseases such as cancer. mirnas act as oncogenes, and tumor suppressors which could be associated with tumor proliferation, invasion, apoptosis and therapy resistance. multiple lines of evidence indicated that deregulation of various mirnas could be related with breast cancer. in the current study, we assessed the expression levels of mir-17 and mir- in breast cancer patients.
Total rna was extracted from serum of 100 patients with breast cancer . cdna of mir-17 and mir-25 and u6 was synthesized with stem loop primers. sybr green qpcr was performed to measure u6 and mir-17 and mir-25. u6 was used as an internal control . rna expression levels were obtained the comparative cycle threshold 2−ΔΔct method and analyzed as mean ± sd.
The expression of mir- 25 was remarkably down regulated and mir 17 was up regulated in serum of breast cancer patients than control group (p <0.05).
Our results indicated that up-regulation and down regulation of mir-17and mir-25 are associated with breast cancer progression respectively. hence, these mirnas could be used as diagnostic and prognostic candidate for monitoring breast cancer patients.
Breast cancer, mir 17, mir 25, biomarker