Evaluation of the effects of fish oil-derived eicosapentaenoic acid on the proliferation of colorectal cancer cell line (hct116)

Morvarid Moradi chamachar,1,* Raman piran ,2 Jafar taifebagerlu,3 Hamed charkhian,4 Houman farzadnia,5



Of these studies have indicated that eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) can induce apoptosis and reduce proliferation in cancer cells. epa fatty acids can induce apoptosis through a variety of pathways, including the suppression of survivin gene expression in colorectal cancer cells (hct116). survivin gene is expressed in cancerous cells and causes resistance to apoptosis.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of epa fatty acids and the combination of this fatty acid on cell death and induction of apoptosis in hct116 cell lines and to evaluate the effect of this tartaric acid on survivin gene expression "in vitro".


For this purpose, first hct116 cells were cultured and treated with different concentrations of epa. hct-116 cells proliferation, survivin protein levels, caspase3 activity and apoptosis were measured by mtt assay and wst-1, rt-pcr, semi-quantitative, and elisa respectively.survivin gene expression was measured in fatty acid-treated cells in comparison with control group. caspase 3 activity assay was also used to measure caspase activity in treated cells. the results showed that treatment with epa and its combination was led to reduction of cancerous cells proliferation, reduction in the expression of survivin protein levels, reduction of caspase 3 activity, and apoptosis induction.


Therefore, it can be concluded that the reduction of the survivin gene expression can increase apoptosis, and this can be targeted way to cure cancer.


Based on our consequence,surviving appear to be talented molecular targets of eicosapentaenice acid and this molecule may have a inoeinate possible for colorectal cancer therapy


Colorectal cancer cell line, eicosapentaenoic acid, survivin gene, caspase 3, mtt, wst1