In iran, colon cancer is the third most common cancer. wnt pathway changes are commonly reported in this cancer. among the important activities of this pathway, we can mention the role of carcinogenicity, cell proliferation, cell migration and... . in the canonical wnt pathway, wnt proteins function is performed through a cell surface receptor and is created as an extracellular signaling pathway to activate beta-catenin. the beta-catenin protein acts on the wnt pathway to modulate the transcription of specific target genes; in the absence of wnt pathway, it is as the target of the destruction complex. in terms of molecular performance, axin2 is a negative regulator of the wnt/tgf signaling pathway, which helps in the formation of the beta-catenin destruction complex and in some tissues, axin1 can be replaced with axin2 in the beta-catenin destruction complex. the mutation in axin2 can be seen in 20% of crc tumors that have defected in repair. in studies that have been done so far, mutations on exon7 axin2 have been importance, because there is pp2a phosphatase binding site.
The purpose of this project is to investigate important snp in exon7 axin2. the choice of snp with rs370618491 has been done using bioinformatics methods and the rflp method has been used.
This study showed that in 1 sample of 147 patient samples, there is a mutation in our preferred position
Due to the cancer is multifactorial desease and high genetic diversity in the iranian population; this might indicate the importance of exon7 gene axin2.