The rs699 transition in human angiotensinogen (agt) gene, result in methionine (m) to threonine (t) substitution at codon 268 (p.met268thr), which traditionally has been known as m235t. this transition may contribute to cardiovascular diseases. the aim of this study was to investigate the association between p.met268thr polymorphism in angiotensinogen gene and coronary heart disease (chd), through a case-control study.
In a case-control study, rs699 genotyping of 217 subjects (102 chd cases vs. 115 controls) was investigated by pcr-rflp method. the data was analysed by binary logistic regression test.
Case-control study revealed that mt (or, 1.875; 95%ci, 1.060-3.316; p= 0.031) and tt (or, 3.389; 95%ci, 1.251-9.179; p= 0.016) genotypes are significantly associated with chd.
Although, the data presented that there is an increased risk of chd conferred by rs699 of the agt gene. but, further studies with larger sample size and regarding to other ethnicities are needed to obtain more accirate results.