• Effectiveness of Image-based module in clinical nursing education program in dermatology
  • Elaheh Mojab,1,*
    1. Nursing Department, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

  • Introduction: Clinical education is a dynamic process, which students gradually gain experience by being present at the patient's bedside and applying the learned concepts in practice in interaction with the instructor, the environment, and the patient. Clinical education is affected by many challenges, including lack of time and facilities, as well as clinical cases. Identifying common skin lesions and providing appropriate care for dermatology patients is one of the purposes of learning skin diseases and nursing care in the dermatology course. Using technology and interactive methods can partially solve the challenges of clinical education. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using an image-based module of skin diseases and lesions in improving the knowledge of nursing students in dermatology.
  • Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 74 nursing students. Sampling was done by census method and the participants were divided into two groups: control and experimental. The training program was first presented in the control group by using the common method in the dermatology nursing course and then in the experimental group by adding an image-based module with the common teaching method; then, using a researcher-made knowledge assessment questionnaire, students' knowledge in identifying and diagnosing skin lesions was assessed in both groups.
  • Results: Results showed that the image-based module of skin lesions has improved nursing students' knowledge about skin lesions. The mean score of students' knowledge in the experimental group (63.85%) was higher than the control group (46.41%).
  • Conclusion: Concerning the visual nature of skin lesions, the use of an image-based module can affect the knowledge of nursing students in the clinical education, examination, and diagnosis of skin diseases. It is suggested that image-based tools and modules can be used as an educational resource in clinical education to make it more effective.
  • Keywords: Nursing Education, Image-based learning, module, knowledge, dermatology