• Relationship between nutrition and gastric cancer
  • zeinab sadat moosavi fard,1,*
    1. Department of Nursing, faculty of nursing, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

  • Introduction: Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the world and is the second leading cause of cancer mortality. The prevalence of this cancer is caused by cancer cells on the inner lining of the stomach and is classified as a multifactorial disease. Lifestyle, diet, hereditary and environmental factors are considered effective, although Helicobacter pylori infection is a very important factor in gastric cancer. The role of nutrition as the most important environmental factor in the incidence, control and prevention of gastric cancer is very important. The present study reviews previous studies to investigate several dietary factors and gastric cancer.
  • Methods: The present study is a kind of review study that has been done in order to link nutrition and gastric cancer. Search in databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, Google scholar and Science Direct with keywords such as gastric cancer, green tea, meatand prosses meat, vegetables and fruit, Helicobacter pylori in Time range 2007B 2019, 36 articles were found, and after deleting unrelated and non-original articles, 19 articles were included in the study.
  • Results: The risk of stomach cancer is reduced by consuming more fruits and vegetables and perhaps green tea. Consumption of processed meats, salt and salty foods, alcohol, hot tea, very hot foods, fried oils, high consumption of foods Containing pigments and preservatives is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer. Evidence based on the concentration of nitrate in drinking water and gastric cancer has been observed. On the other hand, there is no clear evidence on how meat, fish, coffee, black tea and gastric cancer are related.
  • Conclusion: Nutritional factors such as consumption of processed meat, fried foods, salt, salty foods and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables are risk factors for gastric cancer, so to prevent gastric cancer, proper nutritional planning should be To be considered.
  • Keywords: gastric cancer, nutrition, relationship