• Factors affecting egg sensitivity in infants.
  • Zahra Sadat Aghaei Shahri,1,* Fatemeh Kermani,2
    1. Zahra Shadat Aghaei Shahri Member of Omid research group of Islamic Azad university . Mashhad Branch . Mashhad . Iran
    2. Member of Omid research group of Islamic Azad university . Mashhad Branch . Mashhad . Iran

  • Introduction: Eggs are usually oval in shape that are biologically laid for reproduction and are a food source for humans. infant is A child between 1 and 23 months of age. Allergy is an extreme reaction of the immune system to various factors. Eggs are the main cause of food allergies in young children, which is 2.4-2.6%. This sensitivity tends to manifest in the first 2 years of life. At least 24 different proteins in egg whites pass into the human body, known as allergens, and only some of them are allergenic and can cause an allergic reaction through IgE.
  • Methods: The reviewed articles are from1980-2019 . They are from scholar and pubmed databases. 15 articles were selected from scholar database, 7 articles were deleted due to non-compliance with the desired title, and 30 articles were selected from pubmed database, of which 12 articles were deleted. In the end, 26 articles were used to produce abstract.
  • Results: If proteins or egg yolk and egg white allergens are recognized by the immune system as a foreign agent and the response to rejection is sensitive. These proteins are usually in contact with the host's immune system through the gastrointestinal tract. Occasionally, contact of proteins or egg allergens can occur during fetal development through the placenta because studies have shown that IgE antibodies from the fetus to dietary proteins in the umbilical cord blood indicate that they are caused by Food antigens have been removed from the placenta. It is also recognizable that autoanti-idiotype antibodies cross the placenta, and some of them may provide an internal picture of the antigen and cause allergies. Egg proteins can cause allergies in infants during the early stages of a baby's life through breast milk, as new studies show that egg proteins have the power to pass into breast milk. They can also cause allergies through inhalation or skin contact. Another factor that causes sensitivity to egg ratio is a change in diet, for example, when new foods are introduced or when the mother is breastfeeding, complex physiological changes occur. This condition can have a profound effect on the immune response. Changes in the body's supervisory mechanisms alter the induction of tolerance, resulting in food allergies. Egg whites are more likely to cause an allergic reaction. The main allergens in egg white are ovomucoid and ovalbumi. ovalbumi maintains its immune system after 20 minutes of ovomucoid. Due to its resistance to heat and enzymatic digestion and its physical properties, egg whites are the most important protein that can cause allergic reactions. Canalbumin (Gal d3) and lysozyme (Gal d4) are more thermolabile and have weaker antigens, but can still cause allergic reactions if consumed more or less raw. Allergies to specific lysosomal IgEs may be responsible for allergic reactions to drugs or foods produced with this protein.
  • Conclusion: ccording to the reviewed articles, the result is that due to the fact that eggs are the main cause of allergies in infants and children, and even before the birth of the baby, there are effective factors in causing this allergy. The diet of pregnant and lactating mothers, infants and children should be monitored by a specialist.
  • Keywords: egg – infants– Allergens