• the role of nanomedicine ethics in biomedical researchers
  • Nazanin Zare,1,* Mohammad Javad Forouzani-Moghaddam,2
    1. MSc of Pathogenic microbes, School of Science, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
    2. Msc of Food Microbiology, School of Paramedical, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

  • Introduction: Nanotechnology includes engineering, physics, biology, medicine, and chemistry, and uses these sciences to build new products. Nanotechnology research has recently intensified with the development of nanotechnology research in medicine, which attempts to provide drugs and therapies based on the principles governing nanotechnology for the purpose of human health and well-being. This study aims to identify the main ethical issues in nanotechnology in research.
  • Methods: In this review study, articles related to the search for the keywords "nanotechnology or nanomedicine", "bioethics or nanoethics" and "risk or safety" in academic databases were retrieved and analyzed.
  • Results: Ethical issues in the field of nanomedicine research that should be considered is a subset of ethical principles that are generally considered in biology, but due to the special properties of nanoparticles such as unknown side effects and their diversity, the focus of these principles is Highlights nanotechnology presuppositions. The most important ethical issues known include respect for autonomy, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, lack of control over human ability, justice and access to the role of ethics in nanomedicine. Medical nanotechnology is the use of nanotechnology in the treatment, diagnosis, monitoring and control of biological systems and is primarily in clinical medicine and preclinical research.
  • Conclusion: Ethical principles in biological research should be implemented in all three stages of prevention, diagnosis and treatment to protect human volunteers who participate in the advancement of knowledge. Harmlessness emphasizes the principle that research results should not be threatening.This includes not only the human condition but also the protection of the environment and the health of other organisms. Caution is important due to the special properties of nanoparticles, because medical nanotechnology plays an effective role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many serious diseases, and if exploited and test results, many people are saved from the risk of death.
  • Keywords: Nano Medicine; Nanotechnology Research; Bioethics