• Norovirus and Foodborne Infection: An overview
  • Mir-Hassan Moosavy,1,* Neda chavoushi kohneh shahri,2 Fatemeh sheykhkanlu Milan,3 Seyed Amin Khatibi,4
    1. Department of Food Hygiene and Aquatic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
    2. Department of Food Hygiene and Aquatic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
    3. Department of Food Hygiene and Aquatic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
    4. Department of Food Hygiene and Aquatic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

  • Introduction: Human noroviruses are emerging pathogens of public health importance and are estimated to be responsible for more than 95% of non-bacterial gastrointestinal outbreaks and more than 50% of all gastrointestinal infections worldwide. Recently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has ranked noroviruses as the most common cause of foodborne illness. Noroviruses have been found to be the leading cause of acute childhood diarrhea in developing countries. Convenience is portable and can be accessed in any way Various such as the use of contaminated objects, water, food and water exposure to aerosols related to vomiting particles and exposure to person-to-person diffusion. Noroviruses in the environment are highly resistant and resistant to many common disinfectants. These viruses usually cause a person with disabilities to develop acute illness. High virulence of these viruses in the environment allows long-term survival in water and soil, and ultimately facilitates contamination of foods such as oyster and crops. Eating foods are also common sources of noroviruses infected by and in the preparation of food, they become infected. generally, noroviruses are not only known to be a major contributor to the spread of gastrointestinal diseases, but have also been identified as a major cause of acute diarrhea in children. Food to eliminate noroviruses, their identification methods and in The diseases caused by these viruses is very much taken into consideration
  • Methods: Using keywords: virus, norovirus, infectious diseases, etc. Browse articles, magazines and books to gather information on noroviruses; food processing methods to eliminate noroviruses, provide methods for their identification and treatment of diseases caused by these viruses.
  • Results: According to the high proportion of foodborne norovirus infections in many countries, these viruses are the leading cause of foodborne viral gastrointestinal tract infections. The prevalence of norovirus diseases caused by food contamination such as oyster during breeding and after fishing has been reported worldwide. including several cases of oyster, sweets, ready-to-eat meats raspberries, water, and ice. It has also been shown that infected individuals play a role in food production. There may be before the onset of symptoms, the infection to others through food.
  • Conclusion: Processing and baking are major ways to reduce microbial contamination in food. Pre-wash food before consumption is the most common food processing method used in industrial, commercial and residential areas. Washing crops infected with noroviruses in vitro has been shown to reduce the number of viruses, but the rate is often low and varies depending on the type of disinfectant used in the wash water. And freezing is another method commonly used for crops, ready-to-eat foods and seafood. However, noroviruses are able to survive in refrigerated foods for long periods of time, during which time The viruses will be slightly reduced or will remain unchanged.
  • Keywords: virus, norovirus, infectious disease