• Fabrication of porous bio-nanocomposite scaffolds by 3D printing method using bioglass-wollastonite nanoparticles for biomaterial engineering application
  • Samin Masoudi Moghaddam,1,* Azadeh Asefnejad ,2 Shahin Bonakdar,3 Amirsalar Khandan,4
    1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    3. National Cell Bank Department, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    4. New Technology Research Center, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

  • Introduction: The novel bio-nanocomposite scaffold provides a temporary environment for bone growth and facilitates cell adhesion, growth and differentiation. Porous scaffolds are divided into three main categories: natural, synthetic and synthetic materials.
  • Methods: In the present study, a 3D printing method were used for fabricating bone scaffolds with bioglass-wollastonite doped in chitosan with printed circular and square geometry. Wollastonite (WS) is used as a base ceramic material and bioglass (BG) for chemical stabilizer. As recent research has described the effect of this novel bioactive ceramics on the body to accelerate the healing process, but this material mechanical strength shows weak mechanical performance. Another bioactive ceramic called BG were added to the WS for enhancing the chemical stability of the scaffolds
  • Results: After fabrication of the specimens using solid work and 3D machine, mechanical strength tests (compression test), scan electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) were performed. After analyzing the SEM images, we measured the porosity of the scaffolds using J-images which indicating it was similar within the normal bones. The simulated body fluid (SBF) was used for biological tests and the swelling and water absorption test were performed on the scaffold which showed the hydrophilicity of the components due to their high adsorption power. The atomic structure of the three-component bio-nanocomposite WS-BG was simulated by Abaqus software and their mechanical and physical properties were extracted. Then, a relationship was proposed to predict the mechanical properties of the bio-nanocomposite WS-BG mechanical results.
  • Conclusion: At the end, we come into conclusion that the most suitable scaffold is a circular structure with the 20-50 MPa coated with chitosan that can be used in bone tissue engineering
  • Keywords: 3D printing, Wollastonite, Chitosan, Bioglass, Bone Tissue engineering