Evaluation of lactoferrin toxicity on breast cancer cell line mcf-7
Amir Khalafi,
1,* Fatemeh moradian,
2 Alireza rafiei,
1. Department of Basic Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University,
2. Department of Basic Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University,
3. Faculty of medicine,department of Immunology, Molecular and Cell Biology Research Center
Cancer refers to uncontrolled growth and the abnormal development cells in the body, however, among the several advances in cancer treatment, there is still a sense of the need for anti-cancer agents that play the role of increasing cellular resistance, lactoferrin as act multi-functional protein that plays several biological functions, such as anti-bacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, and immunological activities.
The concentration of purified lactoferrine protein was determined by brad ford method and loaded on 10% sds-page gel for confirmation of purification.then cancer cell line, mcf-7 was cultured after counting the cells up to 5,000 cells were transferred to 96 wells plate and incubated for 24 hours and treated with different concentration of lactoferrin (0,50,300,600 and 800µg/µl) with three replicates and after 24 hours percentage of viability evaluated by mtt method.
The concentration of lactoferrin was 3 mg /ml, and 80 kda band of purified protein showed on sds-pag.the level of viability of cancer cells mcf-7 after treatment with lactoferrin concentrations of 50,300,600 and 800 µg/µl were 94, 83, 62 and 32%, respectively
According to this result as well as from the previous studies, on anti-cancer effects of lactoferrin, this protein can use as a supplement to treat cancer
Anti¬cancer, breast cancer, lactoferrin, mtt