Micrornas as potential biomarkers in early detection of breast cancer

Ali Tafti fini,1,* Minoo shahani,2 Mohammad amin mahmanzar,3 Binazir khanabadi ,4 Jafar shakeri,5

1. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University
2. 2. Cancer Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University
4. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University
5. 3. Oncosurgeon Cancer Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.



Breast cancer is one of most worrisome health problems in women across the world. its incidence and mortality have undergone dramatic changes during the past few decades. early detection is one of the main goal of cancer diagnoses, particularly in the case of breast cancer. since current screening tests, due to the positive results (~ 10%), are dangerous or unreliable, there is a need to identify new and non-invasive biomarkers for the reliable and early detection of breast cancer. mirnas play an important role in regulating various biological processes, including cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. today developing high throughput genomics techniques such as next generation sequencing (ngs), microarray, rna-seq and qpcr caused that know wide range of classification of mirna. several evidence suggests that expression of mirnas changes in a variety of human cancers can be useful as a clinical marker for the diagnosis and prognosis of various cancers.


In this study, we use bioinformatics techniques to investigate novel mirnas that can be used as a reliable biomarkers for early detection of breast cancer. the number of articles identified in this study was 31, of which 25 were studied. after review, mirnas were investigated in the mirbase and mircancer database.


In particular, 14 reliable mirnas such as mir-376b, mir-567, mir-155 and mir-660-5p have been selected as the mirna panel for early diagnosis of breast cancer.


Based on the results, we have valuable mirnas as biomarkers for the early detection of breast cancer that we choose the exact treatment practices.


Breast cancer, biomarker, microrna, early detection