1. shiva ebrahim, master of sience,yas medical genetic center tehran, iran 2. Ahmad ebrahimi, molecular genetics, phd, yas medical genetic center tehran, iran
Infertility is one of the stressful and critical problems in the individual, marriage, family and the social life. one of the routine methods of infertility in iran is ivf which is a method of art technic. usage of extracted cell free dna from plasma and follicular fluid in this study as a genetic biomarker illustrated a solution for infertile couples who want to know their victory and failure (efficiency) in-vitro fertilization before zygote transport. in this study, we investigated if cfdna levels in follicular fluid (ff) samples from in vitro fertilization (ivf) patients, could be related to ivf outcomes.
. in this research cfdna isolated from 50 samples of both the follicular fluid and the blood samples by nucleospin kit. two housekeeping genes which called gap dh and albumin studied by sybr green method in real-time pcr. studies on the extracted cfdna in both groups of successful and unsuccessful in ivf, statistical analysis and their meaningful level achieved.
According to the nonparametric hypotheses, on the one hand the h0 theory which is based on similarity of variables such as ctp, ctf, delta ct and ct average from the plasma and the follicular fluid rejected in both group. on the other hand, base on χ2 statistical test there is no meaningful difference on those variables in the groups.
Potential prediction range of follicular fluid cfdna is extremely higher than the numbers of embryos which are qualified base on morphological standards, indeed this prediction model can be a complementary tool for identification of the chance of successful ivf.