The giant lipoma pediculated in the falciform ligament: a case report

Mostafa Sadeghi,1 Najme samii,2 Alireza tavasoli,3,*

1. MSc Student Research Committee, School of Paramedical, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2. MSc Student Research Committee, School of Paramedical, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.



Introduction: lipoma is one of the benign and common tumors of the limbs and trunk that’s rarely occurs in the abdominal space. abdominal lipomas with the origin of falciform ligament of liver are rarely reported; on the other hand, these masses usually grow slowly and are asymptomatic. in this study, we reported a case of lipoma with the origin of falciform ligament of liver, which was undewnt laparotomy surgery.


Description: the patient is a 34-year-old woman who has had a big fever and swelling in her abdomen since 4 months ago, which was initially supposed to be obese, but gradually she felt discomfort in her abdomen. after referral to a physician, an examination and ct angiography were performed for the patient, the abdominal lipoma mass with the origin of falciform ligament of liver in the size of 220*270 mm was observed. the patient was underwent laparotomy surgery and the lipoma mass was removed with round and falciform ligament of liver.


Results:in the ligaments of liver, lesions such as lipoma, paraganglioma, lymphangioma can be creat rarely. due to the low growth and clinical manifestations of these tumors, they are often diagnosed during examinations when the patient visits a doctor for another reason.


Lipoma is rarely created in the abdominal cavity and usually are solitary, mobile, painless and grow at a slow pace. sometimes the nature and origin of such lesions cannot be detected by ct scan. therefore we must use laparotomy and pathological examinations to determine the definitive findings.


Giant lipoma, abdominal mass, faciform ligament, liver